Swine Manure Management (II)

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There is a national trend for swine enterprises to increase in size due to cost efficiencies associated with economies of scale. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of farm size on manure application management for a survey o f 391 swine producers in Minnesota. There was a statistically significant effect of farm size on almost all of the variables evaluated. As farm size increased: a) more manure was handled in the liquid form; b) more farms analytically tested their manure; c) more farms calibrated their application equipment; d) less manure was applied in the s ummer and winter months; e) broadcast manure applications decreased while injected manure increased; and f) more farms kept records of manure applications. However, while the management practices associated with the larger farms were betted correlated to recommended practices, the ratio of animal units to the number of acres owned and available for manure application increased steeply as farm size categories went from small to large. 2. A manure management survey of Minnesota swine producers: summary of responses. Schmidt,-D.R.; Jacobson,-L.D.; Schmitt,-M.A. Appl-eng-agric. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Sept 1996. v. 12 (5) p. 591-594. NAL Call Number: S671.A66 Descriptors: pig-farming. pig-manure. collection, management, handling, storage, application-toland. regional-surveys. minnesota. Abstract: Manure's impact on the environment is a concern for both livestock producers and the general public. A survey of Minnesota swine producers was conducted to determine current manure handling systems and manure management practices. A questionnaire containing 36 questions was mailed to 699 Minnesota swine producers. Questions focused on manure collection, storage, and application systems, dead pig disposal, and swine housing system. Survey responses indic ate: a) most producers market 2,000 pigs per year or fewer; b) most producers handle some manure as a solid; c) the majority of producers are not testing manure, calibrating manure application equipment, or keeping records of manure applications; d) surfa ce application of manure is more common than subsurface injection; e) rendering and burial are the most common means of dead pig disposal. Manure's impact on the environment is a concern for both livestock producers and the general public. A survey of Minnesota swine producers was conducted to determine current manure handling systems and manure management practices. A questionnaire containing 36 questions was mailed to 699 Minnesota swine producers. Questions focused on manure collection, storage, and application systems, dead pig disposal, and swine housing system. Survey responses indic ate: a) most producers market 2,000 pigs per year or fewer; b) most producers handle some manure as a solid; c) the majority of producers are not testing manure, calibrating manure application equipment, or keeping records of manure applications; d) surfa ce application of manure is more common than subsurface injection; e) rendering and burial are the most common means of dead pig disposal. 3. Addition of different sources and levels of amino acids and sugars to broiler litter before deep-stacking. Wang,-Z.S.; Goetsch,-A.L.; Park,-K.K.; Patil,-A.R.; Kouakou,-B.; Galloway,-D.L.-Sr.; Rossi,J.E. Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. May/June 1996. v. 56 (2/3) p. 157-167. NAL Call Number: TD930.A32 Descriptors: poultry-manure. broilers, waste-utilization. beef-cattle. steers, ruminants, feeds, maillard-reaction. nutrient-sources. lysine, methionine, soybean-oilmeal. sugars, digestibility, protein-degradation. nitrogen. Abstract: Different sources and levels of amino acids (soybean meal at 0, 10, 20 or 40% of dry matter; similar quantities of lysine and methionine in synthetic forms) and sugars were mixed with broiler litter and placed in dacron bags embedded in a deep-stack for 3 or 9 weeks to determine changes in concentrations of nitrogen fractions and digestibility in ruminants. Pepsininsoluble nitrogen concentration after 48 h of ruminal incubation was not changed by deepstacking for 3 wk and only slightly elevated at 9 wk. Deep-stacking did not markedly alter in situ ruminal disappearance of broiler litter nitrogen. Conversely, in situ ruminal nitrogen disappearance of soybean meal substrates was decreased by deep-stacking; the change was greater for 16 t han for 48 h of ruminal incubation. Sugar addition to soybean meal substrates did not appear to enhance rumen undegradable protein concentration. Different sources and levels of amino acids (soybean meal at 0, 10, 20 or 40% of dry matter; similar quantities of lysine and methionine in synthetic forms) and sugars were mixed with broiler litter and placed in dacron bags embedded in a deep-stack for 3 or 9 weeks to determine changes in concentrations of nitrogen fractions and digestibility in ruminants. Pepsininsoluble nitrogen concentration after 48 h of ruminal incubation was not changed by deepstacking for 3 wk and only slightly elevated at 9 wk. Deep-stacking did not markedly alter in situ ruminal disappearance of broiler litter nitrogen. Conversely, in situ ruminal nitrogen disappearance of soybean meal substrates was decreased by deep-stacking; the change was greater for 16 t han for 48 h of ruminal incubation. Sugar addition to soybean meal substrates did not appear to enhance rumen undegradable protein concentration. 4. Adsorption of triallate onto sandy soils and pig slurry. Loffredo,-E.; D'Orazio,-V.; Senesi,-N. J-environ-sci-health,-Part-B,-Pestic-food-contam-agric-wastes. New York, Marcel Dekker. 1997. v. B32 (1) p. 25-36. NAL Call Number: TD172.J61 Descriptors: tri-allate, adsorption, soil-organic-matter. sandy-soils. pig-slurry. 5. Aerobic thermophilic composting of piggery solid wastes. Bhamidimarri,-S.M.R.; Pandey,-S.P. Water science and technology; v. 33, no. 8. 3rd IAWQ Specialized Conference on Appropriate Waste Managment Technologies for Developing Countries held in Nagpur, India, 25-26 February 1995. 1st ed. Oxford ; New York: Pergamon Press, 1996. p. 89-94. NAL Call Number: TD420.A1P7-v.33-no.8 Descriptors: composting, pig-manure. pig-slurry. sawdust, aerobic-treatment. thermophilicbacteria. streptococcus, waste-treatment. nutrient-content. nitrogen-content. phosphorus. 6. Ammonia volatilization following surface-applied pig and cattle slurry in France. Moal,-J.F.; Martinez,-J.; Guiziou,-F.; Coste,-C.M. J-agric-sci. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Oct 1995. v. 125 (pt.2) p. 245-252. NAL Call Number: 10-J822 Descriptors: pig-slurry. cattle-slurry. agricultural-wastes. waste-utilization. ammonia, volatilization, measurement, physicochemical-properties. environmental-factors. seasonalvariation. application-rates. france. 7. Anaerobic decomposition of swine manure and ammonia generation in a deep pit. Zhang,-R.H.; Day,-D.L. Trans-ASAE. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1958, Sept/Oct 1996. v. 39 (5) p. 1811-1815. NAL Call Number: 290.9-Am32T Descriptors: pig-manure. decomposition, pits, anaerobic-treatment. ammonia, odor-emission. prediction, accuracy, ph, organic-matter. temperature, density, ammonium-nitrogen. equations. Abstract: This article reports a laboratory study of swine manure decomposition in a deep pit. Distributions of solids, organic matter, pH, and ammonia in fresh swine manure after 12 h settling in a 1.2 m column were characterized, and solids redu ction and ammonia generation rate during 28 d anaerobic decomposition were determined by using the manure initially having 1.8% and 3.3% total solids content (TS). In the settled manure, the pH became lower toward the bottom of the pit where manure solids and organic matter became concentrated, and the pH of bottom manure layer was 0.5 and 0.9 unit lower than the pH of top manure layer for the manure initially having 1.8% and 3.3% TS, respectively. Ammonia distribution in the manure was relatively uniform . The manure started to decompose rapidly after excretion from pigs. During the 28 d decomposition period, the solids contents of bottom manure layers were reduced linearly with time, and ammonia increased logrithmically with time. Higher temperature resulted in higher solids reduction and ammonia generation rate in the manure. The TS of bottom layer manure was reduced by 15% at 20 degrees C and 27% at 30 degrees C by the end of the 28 d period. This article reports a laboratory study of swine manure decomposition in a deep pit. Distributions of solids, organic matter, pH, and ammonia in fresh swine manure after 12 h settling in a 1.2 m column were characterized, and solids redu ction and ammonia generation rate during 28 d anaerobic decomposition were determined by using the manure initially having 1.8% and 3.3% total solids content (TS). In the settled manure, the pH became lower toward the bottom of the pit where manure solids and organic matter became concentrated, and the pH of bottom manure layer was 0.5 and 0.9 unit lower than the pH of top manure layer for the manure initially having 1.8% and 3.3% TS, respectively. Ammonia distribution in the manure was relatively uniform . The manure started to decompose rapidly after excretion from pigs. During the 28 d decomposition period, the solids contents of bottom manure layers were reduced linearly with time, and ammonia increased logrithmically with time. Higher temperature resulted in higher solids reduction and ammonia generation rate in the manure. The TS of bottom layer manure was reduced by 15% at 20 degrees C and 27% at 30 degrees C by the end of the 28 d period. 8. Anaerobic expanded-bed laboratory digester for the treatment of swine slurries. COD removal and methane generation. Ranalli,-G.; Balsari,-P.; Colombo,-M.; Sorlimi,-C. J-environ-sci-health,-Part-A,-Environ-sci-eng. Monticello, NY: Marcel Dekker Inc. 1995. v. A30 (7) p. 1397-1409. NAL Call Number: TD172.J6 Descriptors: pig-slurry. anaerobic-digestion. anaerobic-digesters. chemical-oxygen-demand. methane-production. ph, waste-treatment. 9. Anaerobic treatment of swine waste by the anaerobic sequencing batch reactor. Zhang,-R.; Yin,-Y.; Sung,-S.; Dague,-R.R. Proc-Ind-Waste-Conf. Chelsea, MI: Lewis Publishers. 1997. (51st) p. 315-321. NAL Call Number: TP995.A1I5 Descriptors: pig-manure. waste-treatment. 10. Application of nitrogen from swine lagoon effluent to bermudagrass pastures: seasonal changes in forage nitrogenous constituents and effects of energy and escape protein supplementation on beef cattle performance. Rogers,-J.R.; Harvey,-R.W.; Poore,-M.H.; Mueller,-J.P.; Barker,-J.C. J-anim-sci. Champaign, IL: American Society of Animal Science. May 1996. v. 74 (5) p. 11261133. NAL Call Number: 49-J82 Descriptors: steers, grazing, feed-supplements. protected-protein. cutting-date. nitrogenfertilizers. application-rates. application-to-land. crude-protein. forage, lagoons, piggery-effluent. nitrogen-retention. nonprotein-nitrogen. cynodon-dact ylon. maize, feather-meal. blood-meal. Abstract: A 2-yr study was conducted to evaluate 1) the effects of nitrogen level from swine lagoon effluent on forage composition and animal performance and 2) the effects of supplemental escape protein (EP) on performance by steers grazing pastu res fertilized with swine lagoon effluent. Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) pastures were fertilized via sprinkler irrigation with either 448 or 896 kg/ha of N from swine lagoon effluent (two pasture replications/treatment). Within each pasture, four suppl ement treatments were evaluated using electronic Calan gates (8 steers.pasture-1.yr-1). The treatments were 1) negative control (pasture only); 2) energy control, which supplied 79.9 g of EP.hd-1.d-1; 3) 159 g of EP.hd-1.d-1, and 4) 239 g of EP.hd-1.d-1. Gains were increased (P < .05) an average of .15 kg/d by supplementation, with no differences in gain among supplements. Forage samples representative of that grazed by steers (CONSUM) and representative of all available forage (AVAIL) were obtained at 14-d intervals. A 2-yr study was conducted to evaluate 1) the effects of nitrogen level from swine lagoon effluent on forage composition and animal performance and 2) the effects of supplemental escape protein (EP) on performance by steers grazing pastu res fertilized with swine lagoon effluent. Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) pastures were fertilized via sprinkler irrigation with either 448 or 896 kg/ha of N from swine lagoon effluent (two pasture replications/treatment). Within each pasture, four suppl ement treatments were evaluated using electronic Calan gates (8 steers.pasture-1.yr-1). The treatments were 1) negative control (pasture only); 2) energy control, which supplied 79.9 g of EP.hd-1.d-1; 3) 159 g of EP.hd-1.d-1, and 4) 239 g of EP.hd-1.d-1. Gains were increased (P < .05) an average of .15 kg/d by supplementation, with no differences in gain among supplements. Forage samples representative of that grazed by steers (CONSUM) and representative of all available forage (AVAIL) were obtained at 14-d intervals. 11. Application of unsupervised clustering methods to the assessment of malodour in agriculture using an array of conducting polymer odour sensors. Byun,-H.G.; Persaud,-K.C.; Khaffat,-S.M.; Hobbs,-P.J.; Misselbrook,-T.H. Comput-electron-agric. Amsterdam: Elsevier, May 1997. v. 17 (2) p. 233-247. NAL Call Number: S494.5.D3C652 Descriptors: pig-slurry. odors, measurement, automation, sensors, polymers, cluster-analysis. principal-component-analysis. data-processing. algorithms. 12. Availability of residual phosphorus in manured soils. Sharpley,-A.N. Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-j. [Madison, Wis.] Soil Science Society of America. Sept/Oct 1996. v. 60 (5) p. 1459-1466. NAL Call Number: 56.9-So3 Descriptors: ultisols, alfisols, pig-manure. poultry-manure. cattle, manures, application-to-land. soil-fertility. phosphorus, nutrient-availability. residual-effects. release, determination, extraction, iron-oxides. losses-from-soil. runoff, eut rophication, environmental-protection. fertilizer-requirement-determination. optimization, water-quality. pollution-control. Abstract: In many areas with confined animal operations, continual manure application has increased soil P above amounts sufficient for optimum crop yields. In these areas, it is of economic and environmental importance to determine how long highP soils will remain above crop sufficiency and identify soils where P contents would decrease most rapidly under similar management conditions. Thus, the surface 5 cm of 23 high-P soils (85-419 mg kg-1 Mehlich-3 P) in Oklahoma and Texas, which had receive d beef feedlot, poultry, or swine manure (90-1880 kg P ha-1 yr-1 for up to 35 yr) were successively extracted with Fe-oxide-impregnated paper strips to investigate residual soil P availability. A decrease in strip P with successive extractions followed th e equation: Strip P = a(extraction number)-b (r2 of 0.88-0.98). The rate of P release to strips (exponent b) decreased more rapidly as soil P sorption saturation increased (R2 of 0.79). Phosphorus saturation also accounted for 85% of the variation in the total amount of P released to strips from manured soils in 15 successive extractions (51-572 mg kg-1). Fractionation of soil P before and af ter strip extraction showed bicarbonate inorganic P contributed most of the P released to strips (46%). The above equation also described soil P release in several published field studies (r2 of 0.77-0.98). Thus, successive strip extraction of soil has th e potential to describe soil factors controlling the availability of residual P and identify soils where high P contents may be less buffered and, thus, decrease more rapidly than others under similar management conditions. In many areas with confined animal operations, continual manure application has increased soil P above amounts sufficient for optimum crop yields. In these areas, it is of economic and environmental importance to determine how long highP soils will remain above crop sufficiency and identify soils where P contents would decrease most rapidly under similar management conditions. Thus, the surface 5 cm of 23 high-P soils (85-419 mg kg-1 Mehlich-3 P) in Oklahoma and Texas, which had receive d beef feedlot, poultry, or swine manure (90-1880 kg P ha-1 yr-1 for up to 35 yr) were successively extracted with Fe-oxide-impregnated paper strips to investigate residual soil P availability. A decrease in strip P with successive extractions followed th e equation: Strip P = a(extraction number)-b (r2 of 0.88-0.98). The rate of P release to strips (exponent b) decreased more rapidly as soil P sorption saturation increased (R2 of 0.79). Phosphorus saturation also accounted for 85% of the variation in the total amount of P released to strips from manured soils in 15 successive extractions (51-572 mg kg-1). Fractionation of soil P before and af ter strip extraction showed bicarbonate inorganic P contributed most of the P released to strips (46%). The above equation also described soil P release in several published field studies (r2 of 0.77-0.98). Thus, successive strip extraction of soil has th e potential to describe soil factors controlling the availability of residual P and identify soils where high P contents may be less buffered and, thus, decrease more rapidly than others under similar management conditions. 13. Carbon and nitrogen transformation during composting of sweet sorghum bagasse. Bernal,-M.P.; Navarro,-A.F.; Roig,-A.; Cegarra,-J.; Garcia,-D. Biol-fertil-soils. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. 1996. v. 22 (1/2) p. 141-148. NAL Call Number: QH84.8.B46 Descriptors: composting. bagasse. sorghum. sewage-sludge. pig-slurry. pig-manure. mixtures, carbon. nitrogen, transformation, microbial-degradation. organic-matter. kinetics, carbonnitrogen-ratio. mineralization, humification, cation-exchange-ca pacity. stability. Abstract: Two types of compost, consisting of sweet sorghum bagasse with either sewage sludge or a mixture of pig slurry and poultry manure, were studied in a pilot plant using the Rutgers system. The total degradation of the piles as determined b y the weight loss of organic matter during the bio-oxidative and maturation phases accounted for 64% of the organic matter applied and followed a first-order kinetic function. Concentrations of total and organic N increased Two types of compost, consisting of sweet sorghum bagasse with either sewage sludge or a mixture of pig slurry and poultry manure, were studied in a pilot plant using the Rutgers system. The total degradation of the piles as determined b y the weight loss of organic matter during the bio-oxidative and maturation phases accounted for 64% of the organic matter applied and followed a first-order kinetic function. Concentrations of total and organic N increased during the composting process a s the degradation of organic C compounds reduced the compost weight. Losses of N through NH3 volatilization were low, C:N ratio in the two composts decreased from 24.0 and 15.4 to values between 12 and 10. The humification index, the C:N ratio, fulvic:humic acid-like C, and cation exchange capacity proved to be the most suitable parameters for assessing the maturity of these composts. 14. Chemical composition of cyanobacteria grown in diluted, aerated swine wastewater. Canizares-Villanueva,-R.O.; Dominguez,-A.R.; Cruz,-M.S.; Rios-Leal,-E. Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. 1995. v. 51 (2/3) p. 111-116. NAL Call Number: TD930.A32 Descriptors: phormidium, spirulina, cell-culture. waste-water. pig-manure. waste-watertreatment. biological-treatment. aerobic-treatment. algal-protein. biomass, chemical-composition. Abstract: The chemical composition of Spirulina maxima and Phormidium sp. biomasses grown on pretreated and diluted swine wastewater was determined .Analyses were carried out on lyophilized samples and compared with data from mineral media (controls). Analyses of Phormidium grown on aeration-stabilized wastewater (ASSW) were: protein (Nx 625) 62%, lipids 11%, carbohydrates (calculated by difference) 16%. For Spirulina in the same effluent, data were: protein 36%, lipids 6% and carbohydrates 44%. No crude fiber was found in any of the samples. TThe resul ts suggest that Phormidium and Spirulina biomasses could be used as dietary supplements in animal feed, but further studies are needed to determine the nutritional value of the product. The chemical composition of Spirulina maxima and Phormidium sp. biomasses grown on pretreated and diluted swine wastewater was determined .Analyses were carried out on lyophilized samples and compared with data from mineral media (controls). Analyses of Phormidium grown on aeration-stabilized wastewater (ASSW) were: protein (Nx 625) 62%, lipids 11%, carbohydrates (calculated by difference) 16%. For Spirulina in the same effluent, data were: protein 36%, lipids 6% and carbohydrates 44%. No crude fiber was found in any of the samples. TThe resul ts suggest that Phormidium and Spirulina biomasses could be used as dietary supplements in animal feed, but further studies are needed to determine the nutritional value of the product. 15. Comparison of methods to evaluate heavy metals in organic wastes. Abreu,-M.F.-de; Berton,-R.S.; Andrade,-J.C.-de. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal. Monticello, N.Y.: Marcel Dekker Inc. 1996. v. 27 (5/8) p. 11251135. NAL Call Number: S590.C63 Descriptors: organic-wastes. sewage-sludge. refuse, composts, cattle-manure. pig-manure. chemical-analysis. heavy-metals. chemical-composition. analytical-methods. extraction, extractants, comparisons, microwave-treatment. Abstract: The conventional method for the digestion of residues using a mixture of nitric and perchloric acids was compared with the microwave procedure using both aqua regia and nitric acid as extractants, in order to determine which method fits better the routine measurements using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Urban domestic wastes, swine and dairy manure and NIES pond sediment certified reference material were used as samples. Microwave extraction with aqua regia extracted higher amounts of metals from the certified pond sedimentreference material than the USEPA-SW 846-method 3051(nitric acid) and the conventional nitric-perchloric procedure, with a recovery greater than 90% for Fe, Mn, The conventional method for the digestion of residues using a mixture of nitric and perchloric acids was compared with the microwave procedure using both aqua regia and nitric acid as extractants, in order to determine which method fits better the routine measurements using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Urban domestic wastes, swine and dairy manure and NIES pond sediment certified reference material were used as samples. Microwave extraction with aqua regia extracted higher amounts of metals from the certified pond sedimentreference material than the USEPA-SW 846-method 3051(nitric acid) and the conventional nitric-perchloric procedure, with a recovery greater than 90% for Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd; 76% for Ni and 61% for Cr. The extraction procedure with aqua regia method also presented statistically higher amounts of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cr. 16. Composting solid swine manure and lignite mixtures with selected plant residues. Georgacakis,-D.; Tsavdaris,-A.; Bakouli,-J.; Symeonidis,-S. Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. May/June 1996. v. 56 (2/3) p. 195-200. NAL Call Number: TD930.A32 Descriptors: composting, composts, mixtures, pig-manure. lignite, cotton, rice-husks. residues, bulking-agents. odor-abatement. temperature, chemical-composition. carbon-nitrogen-ratio. physicochemical-properties. Abstract: A study was undertaken to investigate the composting of mechanically separated solid swine manure and ground lignite residues mixtures enriched with rice seed peels and ginned cotton residues. A set of odor-free compost piles, due to lignite addition, was installed, on site, at AFI KARAPATIS SA organic fertilizer factory at Zeli in central Greece. The findings of this study indicated that co-composting of solid swine manure and ground lignite (mixed at a ratio of 1:1 by volume) together with ginned cotton residues and rice seed peels resulted in improved composting and chemical composition characteristics compared to the mixture of solid swine manure and ground lignite alone or enriched with either ginn ed cotton residues or rice seed peels. Ground lignite allowed for the successful incorporation of the wet and malodorous swine manure into the compost process. Ginned cotton residues (at a 1:1 mixing ratio by volume) proved to be a bulking agent with exce llent 'insulating behavior' but with lower composting rates and increased EC and Na values in the final product. A study was undertaken to investigate the composting of mechanically separated solid swine manure and ground lignite residues mixtures enriched with rice seed peels and ginned cotton residues. A set of odor-free compost piles, due to lignite addition, was installed, on site, at AFI KARAPATIS SA organic fertilizer factory at Zeli in central Greece. The findings of this study indicated that co-composting of solid swine manure and ground lignite (mixed at a ratio of 1:1 by volume) together with ginned cotton residues and rice seed peels resulted in improved composting and chemical composition characteristics compared to the mixture of solid swine manure and ground lignite alone or enriched with either ginn ed cotton residues or rice seed peels. Ground lignite allowed for the successful incorporation of the wet and malodorous swine manure into the compost process. Ginned cotton residues (at a 1:1 mixing ratio by volume) proved to be a bulking agent with exce llent 'insulating behavior' but with lower composting rates and increased EC and Na values in the final product. 17. Conference proceedings, International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations: Westin Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri, February 7-9, 1996. Ames, Iowa: Midwest Plan Service, Iowa State University, 1996. 488 p.: ill. NAL Call Number: TD195.A34I57--1996 Descriptors: Odors-Congresses. Animal-waste-Congresses. Dust-Congresses. Agriculturalpollution-Congresses. Swine-Congresses. 18. Constructed wetland treatment of animal waste in Indiana: management implications. Reaves,-R.P.; DuBowy,-P.J.; Jones,-D.D.; Sutton,-A.L. Clean water, clean environment, 21st century team agriculture, working to protect water resources conference proceedings, March 5-8, 1995, Kansas City, Missouri . St. Joseph, MI: ASAE, c1995. v. 2 p. 179-182. NAL Call Number: TD365.C54-1995 Descriptors: wetlands, aquatic-plants. waste-water-treatment. waste-treatment. dairy-effluent. piggery-effluent. lagoons, indiana, 19. Continuous farm scale aeration plant for reducing offensive odours from piggery slurry: control and optimization of the process. Burton,-C.H.; Sneath,-R.W. J-agric-eng-res. London ; Orlando: Academic Press, Apr 1995. v. 60 (4) p. 271-279. NAL Call Number: 58.8-J82 Descriptors: pig-slurry. odors, odor-abatement. aeration, treatment, optimization, economicanalysis. farm-equipment. uk. 20. A description of hydrolysis kinetics in anaerobic degradation of particulate organic matter. Vavilin,-V.A.; Rytov,-S.V.; Lokshina,-L.Y. Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. May/June 1996. v. 56 (2/3) p. 229-237. NAL Call Number: TD930.A32 Descriptors: cattle-manure. pigs, animal-wastes. cellulose, sewage-sludge. organic-matter. particles, particle-size. particle-shape. surfaces, anaerobic-digestion. colonization, microbialdegradation. hydrolysis. kinetics, simulation, simulationmodels. mathematical-models. Abstract: Four types of hydrolysis kinetics were tested for anaerobic degradation of complex organic matter using the generalized simulation model described earlier. The simulation dynamics from all types of hydrolysis kinetics of swine waste, sew age sludge and cattle manure for continuous-flow reactors at a defined SRT fitted the experimental data comparatively well. However, differences were found for particulate organic matter degradation over a wide range of SRT values. Four types of hydrolysis kinetics were tested for anaerobic degradation of complex organic matter using the generalized simulation model described earlier. The simulation dynamics from all types of hydrolysis kinetics of swine waste, sew age sludge and cattle manure for continuous-flow reactors at a defined SRT fitted the experimental data comparatively well. However, differences were found for particulate organic matter degradation over a wide range of SRT values. 21. Designing riparian buffer systems for utilization and treatment of effluent. Hubbard,-R.K.; Davis,-J.G.; Lowrance,-R.R.; Newton,-G.L.; Vellidis,-G.; Dove,-R. Clean water, clean environment, 21st century team agriculture, working to protect water resources conference proceedings, March 5-8, 1995, Kansas City, Missouri . St. Joseph, MI: ASAE, c1995. v. 2 p. 75-77. NAL Call Number: TD365.C54-1995 Descriptors: riparian-forests. riparian-vegetation. grasses, grass-strips. panicum, waste-treatment. piggery-effluent. application-to-land. nutrient-uptake. ammonium-nitrogen. nitrate-nitrogen. water-quality. groundwater, groundwater-pollution. georgia. 22. Detection and characterization of broad-host-range plasmids in environmental bacteria by PCR. Gotz,-A.; Pukall,-R.; Smit,-E.; Tietze,-E.; Prager,-R.; Tschape,-H.; Elsas,-J.D.-van.; Smalla,-K. Appl-environ-microbiol. Washington: American Society for Microbiology. July 1996. v. 62 (7) p. 2621-2628. NAL Call Number: 448.3-Ap5 Descriptors: soil-bacteria. pig-slurry. pig-manure. plasmids, detection, polymerase-chainreaction. dna, dna-hybridization. southern-blotting. Abstract: Primer systems for PCR amplification of different replicon-specific DNA regions were designed on the basis of published sequences for plasmids belonging to the incompatibility (Inc) groups IncP, IncN, IncW, and IncQ. The specificities of these primer systems for the respective Inc groups were tested with a collection of reference plasmids belonging to 21 different Inc groups. Almost all primer systems were found to be highly specific for the reference plasmid for which they were designed. In addition, the primers were tested with plasmids which had previously been grouped by traditional incompatibility testing to the IncN, IncW, IncP, or IncQ group. All IncQ plasmids gave PCR products with the IncQ primer systems tested. The results indicated that plasmids assigned to the same Inc group by traditional methods might be partially or completely different from their respective reference plasmids at the DNA level. Primer systems for PCR amplification of different replicon-specific DNA regions were designed on the basis of published sequences for plasmids belonging to the incompatibility (Inc) groups IncP, IncN, IncW, and IncQ. The specificities of these primer systems for the respective Inc groups were tested with a collection of reference plasmids belonging to 21 different Inc groups. Almost all primer systems were found to be highly specific for the reference plasmid for which they were designed. In addition, the primers were tested with plasmids which had previously been grouped by traditional incompatibility testing to the IncN, IncW, IncP, or IncQ group. All IncQ plasmids gave PCR products with the IncQ primer systems tested. The results indicated that plasmids assigned to the same Inc group by traditional methods might be partially or completely different from their respective reference plasmids at the DNA level. 23. Development of guidelines for and demonstration of efficient treatment of swine lagoon wastewater by constructed wetlands. McCaskey,-T.A. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education SARE research projects Southern Region. 1995. 34 p. NAL Call Number: S441.S8552 Descriptors: pig-slurry. waste-water-treatment. nitrogen-content. ammonia, nitrate, nitrogen, biochemical-oxygen-demand. chemical-oxygen-demand. phosphorus, streptococcus, waterquality. wetlands, bioremediation, water-pollution. pollution-control. guidelines, alabama. 24. Direct molecular biological analysis of ammonia oxidising bacteria populations in cultivated soil plots treated with swine manure. Hastings,-R.C.; Ceccherini,-M.T.; Miclaus,-N.; Saunders,-J.R.; Bazzicalupo,-M.; McCarthy,-A.J. FEMS-microbiol-ecol. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science B.V. May 1997. v. 23 (1) p. 45-54. NAL Call Number: QR100.F45 Descriptors: pig-slurry. soil-amendments. ammonia, oxidation, nitrification, nitrosomonas, soilbacteria. ribosomal-dna. oxygenases, structural-genes. dna-probes. polymerase-chain-reaction. agricultural-soils. Abstract: The application of pig slurry, high in ammonia-nitrogen concentration, to agricultural land is a practice whose effect on soil microbial communities is poorly understood. The autotrophic ammonia-oxidising bacteria are an integral compone nt of the nitrogen cycle in soil and their activity will be affected by addition of nitrogenous fertilizer. Members of the genus Nitrosospira were shown by 16S rDNA-directed PCR to be present in both unamended and amended soils, regardless of the quantity of pig slurry applied. In contrast, members of the genus Nitrosomonas were detected by the same approach only in those soil plots that had received high loadings of slurry. These data support the view that nitrosospiras are ubiquitous as important membe rs of nitrifying populations in the environment. The direct detection of nitrosomonad DNA only in amended soils supports the hypothesis that these nitrosomonads become highly competitive under conditions analogous to laboratory enrichment cultures. The application of pig slurry, high in ammonia-nitrogen concentration, to agricultural land is a practice whose effect on soil microbial communities is poorly understood. The autotrophic ammonia-oxidising bacteria are an integral compone nt of the nitrogen cycle in soil and their activity will be affected by addition of nitrogenous fertilizer. Members of the genus Nitrosospira were shown by 16S rDNA-directed PCR to be present in both unamended and amended soils, regardless of the quantity of pig slurry applied. In contrast, members of the genus Nitrosomonas were detected by the same approach only in those soil plots that had received high loadings of slurry. These data support the view that nitrosospiras are ubiquitous as important membe rs of nitrifying populations in the environment. The direct detection of nitrosomonad DNA only in amended soils supports the hypothesis that these nitrosomonads become highly competitive under conditions analogous to laboratory enrichment cultures. 25. Edge-of-field losses of surface-applied animal manure. Daniel,-T.C.; Edwards,-D.R.; Nichols,-D.J. Animal waste and the land-water interface. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, c1995. p. 89-98. NAL Call Number: TD930.A55-1995 Descriptors: poultry-manure. pig-slurry. application-rates. application-to-land. pastures, festucaarundinacea. rain, runoff, nitrogen-content. ammonia, nitrate-nitrogen. phosphorus, phosphates, chemical-oxygen-demand. water-pollution. pollution-control. arkansas. 26. The effect of animal manure applications on the forms of soil phosphorus. Robinson,-J.S.; Sharpley,-A.N.; Smith,-S.J. Animal waste and the land-water interface . Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, c1995. p. 43-48. NAL Call Number: TD930.A55-1995 Descriptors: cattle-manure. poultry-manure. pig-slurry. application-to-land. phosphorus, availability, soil-ph. spatial-distribution. soil-fertility. texas, oklahoma. 27. Effect of fermented swine wastes on biological nutrient removal in sequencing batch reactors. Lee,-S.I.; Park,-J.H.; Ko,-K.B.; Koopman,-B. Water-res. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. July 1997. v. 31 (7) p. 1807-1812. NAL Call Number: TD420.W3 Descriptors: pig-slurry. fermentation, waste-water. organic-matter. acetic-acid. supplements, bioreactors, phosphorus, biological-treatment. diurnal-variation. 28. Effect of intermittent-cycle extended-aeration treatment on the fate of carbonaceous material in pig slurry. Bicudo,-J.R.; Svoboda,-I.F. Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. 1995. v. 54 (1) p. 53-62. NAL Call Number: TD930.A32 Descriptors: pig-slurry. aeration, aerobic-treatment. carbon, pollution, characteristics, physicochemical-properties. Abstract: A farm-scale treatment plant was studied during a year. Four different aeration cycles were tested in order to observe their effects on the removal of carbon material from pig slurry. The treatment plant performance was not significantly affected by a 60% induction of aeration times, from almost 20 h per day to 12 h per day. The high removal rates observed (over 95% in terms of BOD5) appeared to be related to the low aeration rates achieved through the intermittent operation of the aerat or. The removal of solid material was more variable. Percentage removals of total solids from the liquid were between 10 and 70%. Treatment of slurry consumed from over 150 kWh/day for 19.5 h of aeration per day to about 90 kWh/day for 12 h aeration per day. Aerobic slurry treatment cost US$2.50 per pig produced. A farm-scale treatment plant was studied during a year. Four different aeration cycles were tested in order to observe their effects on the removal of carbon material from pig slurry. The treatment plant performance was not significantly affected by a 60% induction of aeration times, from almost 20 h per day to 12 h per day. The high removal rates observed (over 95% in terms of BOD5) appeared to be related to the low aeration rates achieved through the intermittent operation of the aerat or. The removal of solid material was more variable. Percentage removals of total solids from the liquid were between 10 and 70%. Treatment of slurry consumed from over 150 kWh/day for 19.5 h of aeration per day to about 90 kWh/day for 12 h aeration per day. Aerobic slurry treatment cost US$2.50 per pig produced. 29. Effect of long-term application of animal slurries to grassland on silage quality assessed in laboratory silos. Anderson,-R.; Christie,-P. J-sci-food-agric. Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Feb 1995. v. 67 (2) p. 205-213. NAL Call Number: 382-So12 Descriptors: grass-silage. silage, silage-quality. cattle-slurry. pig-slurry. silos, ammoniumnitrogen. lactic-acid. volatile-fatty-acids. inoculum, fermentation, application-rates. bacterialcount. feed-composition-tables. chemical-composition. lactobacillus, clostridium, fertilizers, comparisons. Abstract: The effect on silage quality of slurry type (pig or cow), rate of application of slurry (50, 100 or 200 m3 ha-1 year-1) and use of a bacterial silage inoculant, was assessed on grass from a long-term slurry experiment ensiled in laborato ry silos. There was no significant effect of slurry type on the quality of silage made from grass regrowths. However, on the basis of ammonia-N, lactate and volatile fatty acid contents, spring (first cut) grass treated with cow slurry in both years of th e study produced significantly poorer fermentation (P < 0.001) than silage from grass treated with pig slurry. Although increasing the rate of slurry application was shown to reduce fermentation quality in most treatments, this was seen as an effect of i ncreasing the total-N content of the herbage rather than of slurry application per se. It was also observed that slurry The effect on silage quality of slurry type (pig or cow), rate of application of slurry (50, 100 or 200 m3 ha-1 year-1) and use of a bacterial silage inoculant, was assessed on grass from a long-term slurry experiment ensiled in laborato ry silos. There was no significant effect of slurry type on the quality of silage made from grass regrowths. However, on the basis of ammonia-N, lactate and volatile fatty acid contents, spring (first cut) grass treated with cow slurry in both years of th e study produced significantly poorer fermentation (P < 0.001) than silage from grass treated with pig slurry. Although increasing the rate of slurry application was shown to reduce fermentation quality in most treatments, this was seen as an effect of i ncreasing the total-N content of the herbage rather than of slurry application per se. It was also observed that slurry application had little impact on either the composition or diversity of herbage enterobacteria at harvest, and therefore probably upon subsequent fermentation. 30. Effects of application technique and anaerobic digestion on gaseous nitrogen loss from animal slurry applied to ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Rubaek,-G.H.; Henriksen,-K.; Petersen,-J.; Rasmussen,-B.; Sommer,-S.G. J-agric-sci. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. June 1996. v. 126 (pt.4) p. 481-492. NAL Call Number: 10-J822 Descriptors: cattle-slurry. pig-slurry. food-wastes. waste-utilization. lolium-perenne. grasslands, grassland-management. crop-yield. growth, soil-chemistry. ammonia, volatilization, denitrification, losses, quantitative-analysis. application-methods. climatic-factors. nitrogen, nutrient-uptake. denmark. 31. Effects of bacterial inoculum and moisture adjustment on composting of pig manure. Tiquia,-S.M.; Tam,-N.F.Y.; Hodgkiss,-I.J. Environ-pollut. Kidlington, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd. 1997. v. 96 (2) p. 161-171. NAL Call Number: QH545.A1E52 Descriptors: pig-manure. composting, inoculum, decomposition, moisture-content. environmental-factors. 32. Effects of composting on phytotoxicity of spent pig-manure sawdust litter. Tiquia,-S.M.; Tam,-N.F.Y.; Hodgkiss,-I.J. Environ-pollut. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd. 1996. v. 93 (3) p. 249-256. NAL Call Number: QH545.A1E52 Descriptors: pig-manure. composting, moisture-content. phytotoxicity, brassica-alboglabra. brassica-parachinensis. allium-sativum. cucumis-sativus. amaranthus, lycopersicon-esculentum. 33. Effects of fertilizer on insecticides adsorption and biodegradation in crop soils. Rouchard,-J.; Thirion,-A.; Wauters,-A.; Steene,-F.-van-de.; Benoit,-F.; Ceustermans,-N.; Gillet,J.; Marchand,-S.; Vanparys,-L. Arch-environ-contam-toxicol. New York, Springer-Verlag. July 1996. v. 31 (1) p. 98-106. NAL Call Number: TD172.A7 Descriptors: cattle-manure. pig-slurry. green-manures. crop-residues. composts, aldicarb, thiofanox, insecticides, adsorption, persistence, half-life. soil-organic-matter. beta-vulgaris. betavulgaris-var.-saccharifera. belgium. 34. Effects of intermittent-cycle extended-aeration treatment on the fate of nutrients, metals and bacterial indicators in pig slurry. Bicudo,-J.R.; Svoboda,-I.F. Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. 1995. v. 54 (1) p. 63-72. NAL Call Number: TD930.A32 Descriptors: pig-slurry. activated-sludge. separation, aeration, aerobic-treatment. wastetreatment. nutrients, nitrogen, heavy-metals. fecal-coliforms. streptococcus. Abstract: A farm-scale activated sludge treatment plant for separated pig slurry was operated with four different aeration cycles during a year, with the objective of optimising the process and producing an effluent with low nutrient and pathogen concentrations. The high nitrogenremovals observed (over 95%) appeared to be related to the denitrification achieved through the intermittent operation of the aerator. It was necessary to supply, on average, about 120 kWh/day (i.e.10 kWh/pig) in order to obtain a treated effluent with mean concentrations of 31.6 mg NNH4/l and 77.6 mg NO3(-)N/l. The removal of phosphorus ranged from 20 to 90%. Concentrations between 25 and 60 mg PO4-P/l were obtained in the treated effluent. Mean percentage removals of metals were about 90% for Cu and 85% for Zn. A farm-scale activated sludge treatment plant for separated pig slurry was operated with four different aeration cycles during a year, with the objective of optimising the process and producing an effluent with low nutrient and pathogen concentrations. The high nitrogenremovals observed (over 95%) appeared to be related to the denitrification achieved through the intermittent operation of the aerator. It was necessary to supply, on average, about 120 kWh/day (i.e.10 kWh/pig) in order to obtain a treated effluent with mean concentrations of 31.6 mg NNH4/l and 77.6 mg NO3(-)N/l. The removal of phosphorus ranged from 20 to 90%. Concentrations between 25 and 60 mg PO4-P/l were obtained in the treated effluent. Mean percentage removals of metals were about 90% for Cu and 85% for Zn. 35. Effects of slurry application on grass/clover swards. Wightman,-P.S. Soil-use-manage. Oxford: CAB International. Sept 1995. v. 11 (3) p. 149-150. NAL Call Number: S590.S68 Descriptors: lolium-perenne. trifolium-repens. mixtures, grassland-soils. pig-slurry. cattle-slurry. application-to-land. rain, plant-height. timing, botanical-composition. dry-matter-accumulation. yield-components. scorch, crop-damage. 36. Electrolytic treatment of swine liquid manure in a full scale experiment. Ranalli,-G.; Chiumenti,-R.; Donantoni,-L.; Sorlini,-C. J-environ-sci-health-Part-A,-Environ-sci-eng-toxic-hazard-substance-control. Monticello, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1996. v. A31 (7) p. 1705-1721. NAL Call Number: TD172.J6 Descriptors: pig-slurry. electrical-treatment. electrolytes, atp, odor-abatement. pollution-control. 37. Emissions of malodorous compounds and greenhouse gases from composting swine feces. Kuroda,-K.; Osada,-T.; Yonaga,-M.; Kanematu,-A.; Nitta,-T.; Mouri,-S.; Kojima,-T. Bioresour-technol. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science Ltd. May/June 1996. v. 56 (2/3) p. 265-271. NAL Call Number: TD930.A32 Descriptors: pig-manure. composting, aeration, odor-emission. methane, nitrous-oxide. ammonia, thiols, methyl-sulfide. hydrogen-sulfide. sulfur, processing-losses. Abstract: Emissions of harmful gases, malodorous compounds and greenhouse gases emitted during composting of swine feces under continuous aeration were studied using a laboratoryscale composting apparatus. Concentrations of ammonia and sulfur compounds in the exhaust gas rose remarkably after starting and at every turning, and their changes reflected the odor concentrations calculated from sensory tests. Volatile fatty acids, in high concentrations at the start, were rapidly reduced within several hours from starting and did not rise again. Methane emission was observed within only 1 day from starting. Nitrous oxide repeatedly rose and fell after every turning, as did ammonia. Fr om the viewpoint of nitrogen loss during composting, however, the total amount of nitrous oxide emission seemed quite small compared with that of ammonia. Emissions of harmful gases, malodorous compounds and greenhouse gases emitted during composting of swine feces under continuous aeration were studied using a laboratoryscale composting apparatus. Concentrations of ammonia and sulfur compounds in the exhaust gas rose remarkably after starting and at every turning, and their changes reflected the odor concentrations calculated from sensory tests. Volatile fatty acids, in high concentrations at the start, were rapidly reduced within several hours from starting and did not rise again. Methane emission was observed within only 1 day from starting. Nitrous oxide repeatedly rose and fell after every turning, as did ammonia. Fr om the viewpoint of nitrogen loss during composting, however, the total amount of nitrous oxide emission seemed quite small compared with that of ammonia. 38. Energy accounting on farms. Bergen,-J.A.M.-van Stud-environ-sci. Amsterdam ; New York, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co. 1995. (65B) p. 1123-1126. NAL Call Number: QH540.S8 Descriptors: dairy-farms. farms, pigs, energy-consumption. emission, carbon-dioxide. methane, nitrous-oxide. methane-production. peat-soils. mineralization, decomposition, rumenfermentation. cattle-slurry. pig-slurry. 39. The environmental impact of intensive systems of animal production in the lowlands. Atkinson,-D.; Watson,-C.A. Anim-sci. Penicuik, [Scotland]: British Society of Animal Science, 1995, Dec 1996. v. 63 (pt.3) p. 353-361. NAL Call Number: SF1.A56 Descriptors: animal-production. poultry-farming. pig-farming. dairy-farming. intensivelivestock-farming. animal-husbandry. environmental-impact. lowland-areas. choice-of-species. animal-wastes. waste-utilization. recycling, nitrogen-cycle. farmi ng-systems. integration,

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Functional classification of swine manure management systems based on effluent and gas emission characteristics.

Gaseous emissions from swine (Sus scrofa) manure storage systems represent a concern to air quality due to the potential effects of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane, and volatile organic compounds on environmental quality and human health. The lack of knowledge concerning functional aspects of swine manure management systems has been a major obstacle in the development and optimization of emi...

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Feasibility and costs of phosphorus application limits on 39 U.S. swine operations.

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